Vitens Innovates


New research projects

If we are to be able to properly respond to the latest developments – think drought or newly discovered pollutants – research into the theme of Purification remains crucial. In addition to current research projects, new ones are therefore continually being scheduled....

Smart membrane filtration circuit yields three environmental benefits

Until now, the removal of unwanted salts from groundwater using reverse osmosis incurred a water loss of approximately twenty percent. By regularly reversing the direction of flow, however, this loss can be reduced to seven percent. This saves not only water, but also...

Broad research programme designed to reveal secrets of sand filtration

Sand filtration has been a widely used treatment process in the drinking water sector for numerous decades. Yet we still have a limited understanding of the way sand filters actually operate. The NWO Sand Filtration research programme being executed by Vitens together...

Our projects

Curious about the innovative projects we want to establish or are already working on?

Theme ambassadors

Do you want to contact one of our theme ambassadors?                                                   

The 8 themes



Circular Economy and Environment

Integral Asset Management





Safe and Healthy Drinking water





Our ambition

Together, reliable and future-proof

As a drinking water company, we need and want to be able to respond appropriately to developments in society, to the social challenges we face as a country and to the changing needs of our customers. We are not the only ones, because together with knowledge and educational institutions, market parties, technology suppliers and other water companies, we can seize many more opportunities. Only together can we be truly future-proof.

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