A look ahead to Vitens’ innovative future
This issue of Vitens Innoveert highlights a number of projects that have been carried out within the context of the Safe & Healthy Drinking Water theme in recent years. They are not the be-all and end-all, however, as various other interesting research projects are set to be launched in the near future. For example, the TRACER project is to be succeeded by MICROWSEQ, while ambitious follow-ups to the DOSSIER and BroNchiTis projects are also scheduled. Furthermore, a new project aimed at the development of a mobile laboratory is to follow. And last but not least, an exploratory project on customer interaction is pending.
In the TRACER project, we investigated the possibilities of applying new measurement and monitoring techniques, such as next-generation sequencing, to detect microbial contamination. As a follow-up, we have launched the MICROWSEQ project in collaboration with Deltares. The aim of this new project is to improve the risk assessment of microbial safety of groundwater extractions. To this end, we are to further investigate the microbiological vulnerability of four groundwater extraction sites.
The BroNchiTis project has shown that we can detect many unknown chemical substances in water samples using techniques such as non-target screening. However, it is difficult to determine which substances these are exactly. Moreover, it is simply not feasible to identify each and every substance. The DOSSIER project studied the smart techniques available with which to select the most relevant substances. DOSSIER’s findings revealed that additional prioritisation methods are required to swiftly and efficiently determine which chemicals certainly need to be identified. Such additional methods are to be sought within the context of the ambitious PatRoon project, which is partly driven by the water sector survey carried out by the KWR Watercycle Research Institute. Attention will also be paid to software tools that could be used for the identification of unknown substances. The Vitens laboratory is to make its own in-kind contribution to the PatRoon project in the form of training.
In recent years, we have carried out substantial research into the added value of online sensors for the distribution and production of drinking water. We tested various sensors that provide insight into both abnormalities in drinking water and the processes that take place during distribution. In launching the MoDriLab project, we aim to develop a mobile laboratory equipped with various sensors. The laboratory should be capable of taking online measurements, with a view to issuing a statement regarding water quality as swiftly as possible, for example in the event of a calamity.
The projects described in this magazine are primarily aimed at measuring and monitoring water quality. Besides these areas of interest, the Safe & Healthy Drinking Water theme also focuses on customer interaction. However, plans are now in place to launch a research project into the role and perception of customers in initiatives concerning sustainability and drinking water quality. This will include projects that focus on the reuse of water.
All these scheduled projects bear witness to the fact that we intend to continue to research, develop and innovate within the context of the Safe & Healthy Drinking Water theme during the years ahead. We are keen to further improve our approach to innovation in the coming years, to ensure that new projects are even more effective. If you want to stay abreast of current projects covered by the Safe & Healthy Drinking Water theme of the Innovation & Research Agenda, please visit the theme page.
Inspired? For further information or a partnership, please contact us through merijn.schriks@vitens.nl
*This is an article from the magazine Vitens Innovates – Theme Safe and healthy drinking water.
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