

Digitalisation of society creates plenty of possibilities. Technology and data (modelling) make it possible to monitor and control processes and infrastructure from the source to the tap (and the environment around it). This helps us to improve the execution of tasks, while taking different scenarios for the future into account. We call this hydroinformatics, or he application of ICT and data analysis, specifically focused on water-related subjects.

Motive for more research

Technological innovation and data-driven operation
Twenty years ago, possessing a mobile phone was an exception. Nowadays, it is something we cannot live without. The speed at which new technologies and data analysis methods and models are developing is very high. That means that the chances and possibilities for a smart water supply increase constantly. Self-learning systems and algorithms for predicting the quality of water, for example. ICT and data is constantly a research and innovation theme, and requires a focussed approach.

Smart society
Technology changes (the organisation of) our society and the way we live and work. Digitalisation and urbanisation merge in smart cities, and are combined with other challenges, such as energy transition and mobility. We see possibilities for contributing with an intelligent water network to a smart society that goes far beyond water supply.

Unfortunately, cyberattacks and the leakage of private information occurs more often than before in our society. Hackers can hack digital systems and infect those with viruses and ransomware. Security of systems and data is essential when applying ICT, especially in matters such as drinking water.


Objectives of this research theme
  • Developing and experimenting with new data-related knowledge and tools that can optimise the drinking water process and can lead to a higher degree of client satisfaction;
  • Excellent real-time insight into every step of the process;
  • Data-driven control, with an intelligent water network designed for safety.

Work packages

Theme Hydroinformatics has the following work packages:

An intelligent water network in society

The goal of this work package is to contribute to a sustainable and smart society, through an intelligent water network. Smart industry and open data are important building blocks in this regard.

Real-time information and model-based control

The goal of this work package is accomplishing real-time insight into every step of the process through sensors and the Internet-of-Things, as well as insight into the correct methodology to communicate this information.

Artificial intelligence and Advanced analytics

The goal of this work package is the development of a risk-driven protection policy (also through hydrological modelling) with which we reduce our spatial claim, and at the same time contribute to other demands for securing our water abstraction in the long term.


The goal of this work package is the realisation of an intelligent water network that has been designed for safety from the start. Research into securing Internet-of-Things networks is a part of this.

Questions, recommendations or an advice?
Theme ambassador Hester van het Loo is available via